Local Development: How to install Joomla on your local Windows machine

Joomla! is a free and open source content management system with just about everything a webmaster could ask for.  Originally created as a fork of the Mambo content management system (see how to install Mambo on Windows for more information on Mambo), Joomla! has since grown to become a full system in its own right including static pages, blogs, polls, RSS feeds, printable page versions and language internationalisaton.

Joomla! is simple to install and can be administered quite easily from the browser-based web interface.

Below is a 17min screencast that will walks through the step-by-step process to install Joomla! on your local Windows machine with the aid of the XAMPP server stack.

Show Notes

Joomla! requires PHP and MySQL.  If you follow the techwhimsy.com tutorial on how to install XAMPP on your local machine, all your bases will be covered.

Official Joomla! webpage

Free Joomla! Templates – listing of “free templates” category on the official Joomla! website

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18 Responses to Local Development: How to install Joomla on your local Windows machine

  1. Pingback: Joomla 1.5 Video Tutorials | WowJoomla.com

  2. eduardo says:

    Thanks a lot for this! helped me a lot! amazing! thanks!

  3. Santosh says:

    I would say, installation of joomla is really ridiculously easy

  4. Hey! Thanks for this! I installed Joomla several months ago and am just now coming back to it. I could not remember how to get it to come up and the part of the tape where you said go to http://localhost/joomla is what solved it! I know it sounds elementary to you, but us beginners sure do struggle with some of these basics. Thank you for the time you put into this.

  5. Luke says:

    This guide is fantastic. I have been trying to work out how to get Joomla! running on my local system for the last 8 months or so and I have been kicking myself since watching this.

    I look forward to watching your other dev videos and the like because you do a fantastic job. Keep it up, mate.

    Cheers, Luke.

  6. Shane Perris says:


    No problems. Glad you found it useful. I would love to do more screencasts but:
    (a) they’re pretty time intensive to do properly (and even more time intensive to do excellently – which I don’t :D )
    (b) I don’t know what else people might be interested in (if you’ve got any ideas, drop me a line. Email address is on the About page)


  7. Sandy Boone says:

    Thanks Shane for your wonderful tut! I’ve been trying to install XAMPP for two or three years on my local machine … and this was the first tutorial that actually sent me to a download of it that worked and played nicely with my windows machine. THANKS for spending the time on these tutorials. Blessings! Sandy

  8. Brandon says:

    If I install XAMPP and Joomla, and then make a webpage on my computer that I can one day launch online is this possible??? Or does this just allow you to play with Joomla and then I will have to do it all over online?? Anyone follow me and have some advice… many thanks for all the info here!!!!

  9. Vicki says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I found this tutorial after being dumbfounded by Joomla for Dummies. Thanks for helping me feel like less of a dummy.

  10. John Doe says:

    I installed xammp and joomla but forgot the URL when I reached the final screen on joomla setup which asked to delete the file the installation file. I had renamed it! :) Long story short I deleted it and uninstalled xammp now upon reinstalling it I cannot get Apache/MySQL to run. Any ideas?

  11. Sanda says:

    Again, so helpful and so easy!! I stress myself out for nothing!! Am def signing up for RSS, not letting you out of my sight!! ;)

  12. Shane Perris says:

    I’m glad you like it. If you’ve got any ideas for other screencasts you might like to see, just send me an email. I’m always open to suggestions.

  13. Can I transfer files from my local Joomla database to live site database? Can I develop locally and upload to my live site? or do I have to re-create everything on live site?

  14. Edward says:

    Im a PHP developer and i want to try using joomla, after i was adviced that i same a lot of time, I want to know if WAMP can work with joomla i’ve been using WAMP for more than 5years and i want to integgrate joomla into it

    please can any one let me know if this is possible

  15. Shane Perris says:

    Hi Edward,

    I’ve never used WAMP, but since Joomla is PHP and MySQL, and if you have successfully similar things on WAMP (eg WordPress) then I can’t see any reason why it won’t work.

    Intuitively, it should work just fine as the whole point of packages like WAMP and XAMPP is to be able to run these sorts of things on your own computer.

    Hope that helps.

  16. HAMZA says:

    how can i UNinstall joomla from my local machine?

  17. teresa says:

    Thank you for saving us hours of frustration. We are now up and running on the local machine

  18. piyanka says:

    how can i see my first website in my computer. I was installing joomla in local host properly and creating the pages but i am not able to see my website. How can i see it?please help me.

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