Category Archives: administrivia
Google and Jaiku
I recently wrote another guest piece for Sarah Perez: Stocktake time. Despite the fact that Jaiku has everything that the hottest 2.0 properties have, all tied up on one neat basket, Google has failed to get any mindshare at all … Continue reading
Almost famous
I had the pleasure of corresponding with Thord Daniel Hedengren this week and the end result is yours truly is this week’s featured blogger atThord’s excellent Blogger Talks. Woo!
Trent Reznor does it again
I’ve got a guest post up at (the blog of Grand Effect and ReadWriteWeb writer Sarah Perez) on the new Nine Inch Nails release The Slip and how Trent Reznor continues to lead the way in ‘music 2.0’. Over … Continue reading
Server problems
UPDATE 15/3/08: everything seems to be fixed now, but if you had any bookmarks they might not work. You may wish to bookmark any pages again. Sorry for the inconvenience and I’m looking into setting up some redirects as well. … Continue reading